Thursday, June 26, 2014

But its NOON! Don't worry, that's still an Alpine start for us...

I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking in this post:

Q: What’s the difference between climbing and golf?
A: In golf you hear: WHACK….SHIT; in climbing you hear: SHIT…WHACK

Q: What’s the last thing a redneck says before he dies?
A: Hold my beer and watch this!
Q: What’s the last thing a redneck hears before he dies?

"Legend of T" Spearfish Canyon, SD
My last day at the Tower was aptly spent climbing it twice, the second of which, I summited just in time for an extremely majestic sunset. This left all of us too exhausted to move and we ended up camping in the parking lot. The next morning we got an "alpine start" to head toward Ten Sleep Wyoming for some bolt clipping. 

Time flies when you’re having fun is an understatement. Somehow I have already found myself in Denver, Colorado which just so happens to be one of my favorite places in the world. One of the side purposes of this Epic Journey is to hopefully find a place I might want to settle down for a year or two. I have previously lived in Colorado and it still rates high on the list but Wyoming is nipping closely at its heels.
Ten Sleep Canyon, Wyoming
The Climbing in Ten Sleep is high quality sport climbing on limestone. We actually got a chance to set up a base camp and leave the van while we hitched a ride to the crag which makes life a whole lot easier. We are still trying to figure out the easiest way to live on the road and every day we learn how to be a little more efficient at it.
"Unsubstantiated Propaganda"  Ten Sleep, WY
"Killer Karma" Ten Sleep, WY
Base camp, at the base of the crag...
Rock, Paper, Scissors...SHOOT

 Once again we didn't want to leave but alas, the show must go on!

Becoming one with the wildflowers

Until next time, I'll leave you with this....

PS: To see full size images of pictures on here, please go here:


  1. I am totally living vicariously through you...

  2. I'm going to find you some sweet leggings! Can't wait to see you guys again! Also: update!!! :)
