Thursday, June 26, 2014

But its NOON! Don't worry, that's still an Alpine start for us...

I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking in this post:

Q: What’s the difference between climbing and golf?
A: In golf you hear: WHACK….SHIT; in climbing you hear: SHIT…WHACK

Q: What’s the last thing a redneck says before he dies?
A: Hold my beer and watch this!
Q: What’s the last thing a redneck hears before he dies?

"Legend of T" Spearfish Canyon, SD
My last day at the Tower was aptly spent climbing it twice, the second of which, I summited just in time for an extremely majestic sunset. This left all of us too exhausted to move and we ended up camping in the parking lot. The next morning we got an "alpine start" to head toward Ten Sleep Wyoming for some bolt clipping. 

Time flies when you’re having fun is an understatement. Somehow I have already found myself in Denver, Colorado which just so happens to be one of my favorite places in the world. One of the side purposes of this Epic Journey is to hopefully find a place I might want to settle down for a year or two. I have previously lived in Colorado and it still rates high on the list but Wyoming is nipping closely at its heels.
Ten Sleep Canyon, Wyoming
The Climbing in Ten Sleep is high quality sport climbing on limestone. We actually got a chance to set up a base camp and leave the van while we hitched a ride to the crag which makes life a whole lot easier. We are still trying to figure out the easiest way to live on the road and every day we learn how to be a little more efficient at it.
"Unsubstantiated Propaganda"  Ten Sleep, WY
"Killer Karma" Ten Sleep, WY
Base camp, at the base of the crag...
Rock, Paper, Scissors...SHOOT

 Once again we didn't want to leave but alas, the show must go on!

Becoming one with the wildflowers

Until next time, I'll leave you with this....

PS: To see full size images of pictures on here, please go here:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Did You See Aliens Up There?

15 June 2014:

I write this entry from the visitor center 867 feet below the summit of Devil’s Tower. When we decided to come here, we didn’t know that they weren’t dog friendly. Bummer! So, I sit here with BB in Bertha soaking up some beautiful weather and getting strange looks from the passer-byers while Dan and Charlie get to summit the Tower. I’ll get my turn tomorrow.

It’s strange to think that I met back up with Dan only a week ago. It seems like a month has gone by already. Each day is filled with adventure and something new. Nothing on the road is convenient and everything takes time. If we want food, we have to stop, unpack, set up the kitchen, cook, eat, clean then repack. This makes for long yet rewarding days. There hasn’t been a day yet that I haven’t laid down totally exhausted.  Climbing 10-12 hours a day probably helps as well.

I arrived at Dan’s homestead last Sunday, met his parents, and was welcomed with a delicious rib eye. Dan, Charlie, and I discussed excitedly what the near future will hold for us. Before any adventure could be had, Bertha must be tended to. It was time for her 10K service so Monday was spent changing oils and making sure everything was good to go as well as playing gear Tetris trying to get 3 grown men, all of our gear, and a dog to fit in the van. There was a debate as to whether we should just spend another night at Dan’s or try to make the trip to Custer State Park as it was already past 6 PM and we were looking at a couple hour drive when it hit us: camp at the Badlands which was about halfway to Custer. Group decision was made instantaneously and we were on our way.  We rolled into the Badlands well past midnight and with a ¾ moon and scrambled some of the formations by moon light. We were pretty exhausted so bedtime came shortly thereafter. Next morning involved making coffee while watching the sunrise then hitting up the famous Wall Drug. After some goofing around and almost being eaten by a T-rex, we were finally on our way to some climbing…
Good Morning America!
Who's a good Jack-a-lope?
We rolled into Custer mid-afternoon and were promptly greeted by Dan’s pre-school friend Kyle who got us out on the rock right away. Kyle turned out to be basically a walking guidebook as well as extremely knowledgeable of the local climbing lore which is a good kind of guy to know in a new area. The rest of the week would be spent bouncing around Needles Highway and climbing different spires, the most impressive of which would be spire 3 of the Cathedral Spires. Climbing in the Needles is humbling and unlike climbing anywhere else. First off, the climbers who put up these routes have balls made of steel and put up routes that have little to no protection or very long run outs without protection. Because of this, the area is less trafficked by the everyday climber which means we had the place basically to ourselves but it also means that I almost shit a brick on every route I got on. The local term for the scarier run out climbing is “spicy”. I’m pretty sure every route there has a certain Needles spiciness to it.  The rock here is granite with lots of quartz and mica in it so you literally end up standing and holding on to crystals. All the rock is covered in an almost neon colored lichen which makes route finding a little difficult. We concluded our stay by “Threading the Needle” before taking off for the Hippie Hole.  The Hippie Hole is a nice little swimming hole hidden deep in the Black Forrest that we were able to snag a shower in before continuing on to the Tower…
Cathedral Spires on Needles Highway in Custer State Park S.D.
Standing on top of the Spire you see directly above Dan's head in the previous pic
Why do people look at me so weird?
Threading the Needle
Friday the 13th with a full moon and we are on a mission:  get to Devil’s Tower! We arrive just before midnight while blasting The Misfits. Could there be anything more fitting? We pull into the lot and we are the only vehicle here; we have the place to ourselves! Well let’s go check it out…not a cloud in the sky and the lichen covered tower is glowing in the moonlight.  BB leads the way as we take a lap around the monolith. I have to stop every 100 feet or so to bask in the tower’s glory. We set up camp under the clear sky and Dan decides to sleep under the stars. Around 4 in the morning thunder erupts that shakes Bertha down to the frame rails as the sky opens up in a downpour. Dan is now soaking wet and trying to find a way to fit in the van. We survive the night and in the morning hear stories of tornadoes ripping through town. We take the day to hang out around the park as the weather wasn’t conducive to climbing. That night we camp in the Black Hills and get an early start to get on the tower.

Weathering the Storm
Charlie and Dan just returned from their summit of El Cracko. They are super stoked but toasted. My turn will be tomorrow and I have my eye on Soler… It’s time for dinner. 

16 June 2014:
Dan Leading the 150 foot first pitch of "Soler"
Team Spice likes it on top

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Down day at the Tower

I am going to try and summarize my travels so far so the next post can be a more detailed and current account of what I am up to and maybe some better pictures:

My travel plans focused around rock climbing and the funny thing about rock climbing is that unless you have a lot of skills and a big rack of "nuts" you don't climb by yourself and have a regular partner; insert Dan. I met Dan through a partner search on a climbing website and we discussed how to make this happen. Dan decided he was about due for a change in lifestyle and quite similarly to me, quit his job and sold all his possessions to hit the road in Bertha. Dan and I met for the first time the day before I was discharged from the Army. The following day after receiving my discharge, we packed up and headed East for a week in the Red River Gorge, Kentucky to determine if this trip was actually plausible for us. We met up with my old friends Alex, Katie and a newer friend Nick. We ended up having a killer time and Dan and I determined that we worked as partners and were full speed ahead on our travel plans. Dan had some obligations to take care of and we would meet up again a little down the road.

Next stop would be home in New Jersey for two weeks to say hello and goodbye, like I had many times before for Army obligations, prior to hitting the road. I had been kicking around the idea of trying to hit the four corners of the lower 48 so I made an executive decision that my first destination on my journey would be the very tip of Nova Scotia, Canada. After lots of driving and a few pit stops to see friends in New York City and Boston, I could check the tip of Nova Scotia off the list. As quickly as I had arrived at the tip, I turned around and cut through Maine to New Hampshire. I saw my first and only "swamp donkey" in Maine even if it was only for a split second while driving on the highway. I met back up with Dan and we topped out White Horse Ledges in North Conway NH. Next stop was Rumney NH where I met a few lovely and beautiful people who convinced us to stay a little longer than we had planned (it wasn't too hard to convince us). After Rumney was a few more lovely days in the Adirondacks of New York. Here is where Dan and I would split paths again until meeting up permanently in his home town in South Dakota. I then hit the road for a long drive to Chicago to meet the third in our party, Charles, who will be joining our shenanigans until the end of June. Together we trucked up to Wisconsin for a week of "The best climbing in Wisconsin". We put in some work at Devil's Lake and Petenwell Bluffs then hit the road due West!

This takes us up to just about a week ago where we met back up with Dan for the last time. We got our last good home cooked meal in and spent a day doing maintenance on Bertha and figuring out how to fit three grown men, all of our climbing/camping gear, and a dog in the van. After a serious game of gear tetris, we were on the road again heading west. The first real climbing stop for the three of us would be the Black Hills of North Dakota to Custer State Park and the Needles Highway...

"Are we there yet?
White Horse Ledges New Hampshire
Old Friends
Team Spice: Epic Journey 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Caving in

Better late than never I suppose. I'm taking the plunge and will try to update this on a semi regular basis for those of you who are curious as to what I am up to. For those of you who don't know me or just met me, my name is Thomas and I am living on the road in my Volkswagen van named Bertha with my Australian Cattle Dog BB. How did I end up in this predicament? Well...about a year ago I found myself about 9 months away from being honorably discharged from 7 years of active duty Army service and trying to decide what path my life should take. Most people in my situation would probably be hunting for a job or applying to school but most people aren't me. Those options sound too boring to me. I was bitten by the travel bug while stationed in Germany and I decided that I needed to travel and experience the country I devoted 7 years of my life to serving. I also wanted to incorporate my skills as a diesel technician and my new found love of rock climbing into my plan and then the light bulb turned on: take a Westfalia Volkswagen camper van, insert a diesel engine into aforementioned Volkswagen, sell all my possessions, pack my climbing gear in the van, and hit the road to find the best climbing destinations in the states. I have already documented the process of converting my Volkswagen to diesel and that can be found HERE.

I was discharged from the Army in Fort Knox Kentucky on 25 April 2014, and that's where this journey begins. Obviously it is now June so I will have some catching up to do but for now here are a few pics from along the way...

The End of Canada in Nova Scotia

Say hello to BB
The Thinking Man on top of High E
The "Desperate" top out on High E
9 Corners Lake in the Adirondacks
Wisconsin Sunset
Devil's Lake Wisconsin...Can you find BB?
"How bad is this pitch going to kick my ass?"
Answer: quite thoroughly
Rewarding view from up above